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Blu’s patella luxation story

In 2018, 94 animals had surgery to correct Patella Luxation at Animal Trust. Find out more about one of the patients we treated with the condition.

French Bulldog owner, Ben Reynolds, attended Animal Trust in Ellesmere Port with three year old, Blu. Mr Reynolds had noticed that Blu needed to rest for 30 minutes after walks and would limp. Following an examination during a free consultation, Lead Vet James Portsmouth diagnosed Blu with a patella luxation.

James Portsmouth, Lead Vet at Animal Trust Ellesmere Port has performed multiple complex surgeries and commented; ‘’The sooner a patella luxation is treated the better the outcome for the dog. Surgery is the preferred treatment option and most dogs will make a full recovery. I’m so pleased with Blu’s progress and he’s recovering fantastically well.’’

Patella luxation generally affects small breed dogs, such as; Yorkshire Terrier’s, Pomeranian’s and Chihuahua’s and occurs when a dog’s kneecap becomes dislocated from its normal position. The condition can be present at birth and if left untreated, a patella luxation can grow from being mild to severe. Key signs and symptoms for owners to be aware of include; the dog not wanting to apply weight onto the limb, lesser interest in exercise and difficulty jumping up.

Blu’s owner, Ben commented. ‘’I was recommended to visit Animal Trust by a friend and I’m so glad that I choose them, the care and attention that both Blu and I have received has been fantastic. The fact he was diagnosed in a free consultation meant I was able to focus attention on his treatment plan and didn’t have to worry about any additional costs.’’

Open Bank Holiday Monday!

Animal Trust surgeries are open as usual on Monday 19th September

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