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Local cases of Pyometra diagnosed

We are urging owners of female dogs to be alert for the signs and symptoms of a common and life-threatening condition; Pyometra. This is estimated to affect 1 in 4 un-neutered bitches before the age of 10. Last year, we performed nearly 200 life-saving operations to treat the condition.

Pyometra affects the uterus and is only seen in un-neutered females; usually, 1-2 months after the dog has been in season. While some dogs with pyometra may have a discharge from their vulva or a distended abdomen, other dogs show no external signs.

We are advising that any unneutered female dog showing a reduction in appetite, increase in thirst, starts to vomit, or becomes uncharacteristically quiet should be checked by a vet for pyometra.

Rachel Pickering, a client at Animal Trust’s Dewsbury clinic recently brought in her dog, Simba. Rachel was concerned that Simba may have had a urine infection, but she was actually diagnosed with a pyometra. Matt Green, a vet at Animal Trust, quickly diagnosed Simba’s condition and performed the life-saving surgery.

Commenting on the case, Matt said; ‘’It’s really important that cases of Pyometra are treated promptly to minimise the chance of toxins affecting the kidneys and causing kidney failure, or the patient being so unwell that surgery becomes high risk. With prompt treatment the prognosis is excellent and it’s great to see Simba doing so well.’’

Simba’s owner, Rachel says; ‘’I am delighted that Simba is home and happy. I’ll be forever grateful to the amazing team at Animal Trust for being there at her time of need.’’

Find out more about Pyometra and the signs and symptoms 

Open Bank Holiday Monday!

Animal Trust surgeries are open as usual on Monday 19th September

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