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Finding that your pet has a lump (or lipomas) can be a worrying and stressful time, but lumps are extremely common and can be examined during a free consultation. Most recently, we met Hooch, a seven-year-old Chihuahua. Here is his story. 

Hooch’s owner, Ms Hall, brought him to Animal Trust in Shrewsbury after noticing a growth on his scrotum. While the growth wasn’t painful for Hooch, his owner knew we offered free consultations and brought him in for an examination to rule out anything that could be more serious. 

Upon examining Hooch, Lead Veterinary Surgeon, Lynne James, found the lump was soft and fatty in nature. It was recommended that Hooch was to undergo surgery to have the lump removed. 



Commenting on the case, Lynne James, Lead Vet said; ‘’We see lots of animals with different types of lumps. Often they don’t cause major concern and can be removed in surgery. I’m very pleased this was the case for Hooch.’’ 

Lynne continues; ‘’If an owner notices their pet has some unusual swelling to an area, or they notice a new lump appearing, we would urge them to book a free consultation with us right away. The sooner we can examine them the quicker we can decide on the best treatment option.’’

Lumps (or lipomas) are masses or tumours which commonly develop in dogs. Usually, they are soft and remain under the skin. While the word ‘tumour’ can be worrying, lipomas are formed from fatty tissue buildup and are typically harmless to dogs unless they begin to limit their mobility. 

Ms Hall, Hooch’s owner says; ‘’It was worrying when I first noticed Hooch had the lump, but the whole team at Animal Trust have been fantastic. He has received the best care possible; I was always kept well informed on his treatment plan: I’m so happy and he has had a good recovery.’’ 

If you notice or suspect that your pet has a lump (lipomas), no matter how small it’s best to have it examined. Book a free consultation with your local Animal Trust surgery. 

Open Bank Holiday Monday!

Animal Trust surgeries are open as usual on Monday 19th September

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