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One of the most common orthopaedic injuries we see at Animal Trust is a luxating patella. The injury occurs when an animal’s patella (kneecap) falls in and out of its groove. If this causes limping then surgery is often the best form of treatment to help manage the condition. Here is more of one patient’s story.

Kiah, a 6-year-old Poodle cross Havanese began limping on her right hind leg. Her owner, Mrs Owen, recognised the symptom and booked Kiah in for a free consultation at Animal Trust Wrexham.

‘’Last year Kiah had surgery on her left hind leg to repair a luxating patella, at a different vet. When I noticed her limping on her right side my immediate thought was the same condition had occurred.’’ said owner Jenny Owens.

“Luxating Patella is a condition that generally affects small breeds of dogs and it occurs when the kneecap dislocates from its usual position, causing the animal to experience a skipping or hopping motion. While these are the main signs to look out for, owners should also be aware of their dog not wanting to apply weight onto a limb, having a lesser interest in exercise and difficulty getting up or jumping,” advises Lead Vet, at Animal Trust Wrexham, Rhys Peters.

“Generally, the condition affects just one leg, but in around 50% of dogs it can be seen in both. From Kiah’s initial examination, it was clear that her right leg was now experiencing the condition so we went on to perform corrective surgery.’’ he added.

Like all Animal Trust surgeries, Wrexham offers free consultations to all clients and that includes follow up appointments, so Kiah’s owner had peace of mind that her post-operative check up’s were always free of charge. 

Commenting on Kiah’s recovery, Rhys said; ‘’Like all pets who have orthopaedic surgery, Kiah had a restricted exercise regime, which ensured her bones had time to adjust and recover. She is now 3 months post-surgery and is back to her usual exercise routine with no pain or limping.’’

Mrs Owens, Kiah’s owner added; ‘’It was a worrying time when we were told Kiah would need surgery on her right leg, but her vet has been fantastic. The whole process has always been fully explained and I felt as though they have been there to support me as much as they have Kiah, and for that, I’m very grateful.’’

If you recognise any of Kiah’s symptoms in your pet, book a free consultation at your local Animal Trust surgery. Patella Luxation surgery costs £785 when paid for at admission and includes anaesthetic costs and pain relief medication to take home.

Open Bank Holiday Monday!

Animal Trust surgeries are open as usual on Monday 19th September

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