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Feline Pyometra is a bacterial infection of the uterus that generally affects unneutered females. Left undetected the condition can be life-threatening.

9-year-old Domestic Short Haired Cat, Socks, was brought to us by her owner after being diagnosed with Pyometra at another veterinary surgery. Socks had undergone an examination, ultrasound scan and blood tests which confirmed the diagnosis. 

Rescued by her owner, Mrs McNally 4 years ago, Socks was believed to have been neutered. ‘’When Socks was diagnosed I was so shocked and decided to take her to Animal Trust for treatment as I had heard great things and knew they offered accessible pricing.’’

On arrival to Animal Trust Ellesmere Port, Socks was examined by Clinical Plus Vet Debbie Hutton. Debbie reviewed Socks’ scans and blood results prior to admitting her for surgery to remove the Pyometra. 

Commenting on the case, Debbie says: ‘’Pyometra is a common infection we see in female cats and it’s so important for owners to be aware of the dangers as some animals may not show any external signs.

“Pyometra is a secondary infection that occurs due to hormonal changes and is effectively a uterus filled with pus. A Pyometra will generally occur 2 – 8 weeks after the animal has been in season.’’ 

Socks at Animal Trust Ellesmere Port

Warning: the second half of this article contains surgery imagery 


Key signs of feline Pyometra to be aware of include: 

  • Smelly discharge from the vaginal area (pus, blood or mucus)
  • A bloated abdomen 
  • The cat urinating outside of the litter tray 
  • Vomiting 
  • Lethargy and lack of appetite 

Pyometra can also affect unneutered female dogs.

Following her examination with Debbie, Socks was admitted and operated on to remove the Pyometra. Discussing the surgery, Debbie says; ‘’Performing an operation to remove the uterus is the only way to ensure the animal is free of the infection and that it can’t return again in the future.

“As a Pyometra is an infection of the womb (otherwise known as a uterus filled with pus) it can be avoided by having female cats neutered.” 

Speaking about Socks’ scare, owner, Mrs McNally commented; ‘’It was a frightening time when Socks was diagnosed, but the Vet at Animal Trust worked so quickly to operate and her treatment plan and costs were explained to me in detail so I felt informed and supported.”

‘’I’m so glad that we’ve been able to help care for Socks and support her owner at what was an already anxious time during the COVID pandemic. I’m so pleased with how she has recovered and I look forward to welcoming both Socks and her owner in the future.’’ added Debbie.

Pyometra Surgery

If you recognise any of the symptoms highlighted in Sock’s story in your own cat, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Animal Trust surgery. Face to face appointments with a vet are free of charge for everyone and can be booked online.

Open Bank Holiday Monday!

Animal Trust surgeries are open as usual on Monday 19th September

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