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Springer Spaniel recovers from total hip replacement surgery

One-year-old English Springer Spaniel, Phoebe, came into Animal Trust Shrewsbury after her owner, Mrs Maoudis, noticed Phoebe was sitting with her leg tucked under and limping after walks. 

A senior veterinary surgeon at Animal Trust Shrewsbury examined Phoebe and diagnosed her with hip dysplasia, a common condition which can severely impact dogs joints. 

Hip dysplasia is an inherited condition and occurs when a dog’s hip joints don’t develop correctly. Commonly it impacts medium-large breed dogs including Labradors, Golden Retrievers, and German Shepherds, although dogs of all sizes are susceptible. 

Phoebe was prescribed medication to manage her discomfort, but to live a healthy and active life long-term, she would have to undergo a total hip replacement (THR) to provide a new joint and eliminate the pain entirely.

Commenting on Phoebe’s condition, a senior surgeon, who trained in hip replacement surgery in the USA said; “Hip dysplasia isn’t uncommon and symptoms can begin at around 5-6 months of age. In some cases, it can be controlled with exercise, diet and pain relief, although in other cases, like Phoebe’s, only surgery will resolve the pain. 

“We regularly see hip dysplasia cases and have pet owners travel from all around the UK to access this kind of treatment as only a few veterinary surgeries are able to offer it. 

“THR is a gold standard and specialised procedure. Usually, it is offered only at specialist referral centres, however, we are able to provide this directly at our Shrewsbury surgery without having to refer pets to another surgery, which can be detrimental to the speed of their recovery. 

“Phoebe’s surgery went really well, and I’m pleased to have helped her condition. I’m confident she will go on to live a healthy and active life.” The senior surgeon added.

Like all conditions, the assessment during a consultation is free of charge at Animal Trust. We work with pet owners to provide the best treatment plan for their pet, whether that is cutting edge surgery, medication or supportive treatment.

Phoebe’s owner, Lindy says; ‘’Everyone at Animal Trust has been so fantastic and friendly from the start. They always took the time to explain the process to me, including being very open about the cost so I knew what to expect. Phoebe couldn’t have been in better hands and I’m so thankful to have her back to her usual active self.’’

If you notice any signs of your dog limping; having difficulty getting up from a lying position; difficulty jumping or going downstairs, and having a lesser interest in walks; get in touch with your local Animal Trust surgery

As puppies, owners should prevent their young dogs from jumping up onto the sofa, running up the stairs or going on long-strenuous walks as this can aggravate their joints as they’re developing.

Open Bank Holiday Monday!

Animal Trust surgeries are open as usual on Monday 19th September

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