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Lumps on pets are extremely common and they can appear on various parts of their bodies. Last year across Animal Trust our vets successfully treated over 500 pets who suffered from the problem. 

PJ, a 15-year-old Border Collie is registered with Animal Trust Wrexham and visited after her owner, Elaine, noticed that a lump had appeared on one of PJ’s back legs.

“I had noticed that PJ developed a lump, which was out of the ordinary, and I immediately wanted to have it checked so I booked a free consultation.’’ said Elaine.

During an examination with vet, Eleanor Wood, PJ’s lump appeared to be soft to touch and around 10cm in size. 

“Lumps are a common occurrence in animals, especially older ones and there are various reasons as to why they occur. Some can be a build-up of fat, an infected abscess or an allergic reaction, and some can be cancerous,” said Eleanor. 

Dog lump removal wrexham

“In PJ’s case, the lump wasn’t solid and didn’t appear to be causing her any distress. A biopsy was taken during her free consultation, which showed there was an infection in the middle of the lump.”

However, despite antibiotic treatment, PJ’s mass later burst. Although there are various courses of treatment for lumps, for PJ surgery was essential following the split in her skin to ensure she could continue with her usual activities.

‘’People are often concerned about surgery in older animals, but as with PJ, if they are otherwise healthy there is not a significantly increased risk. She had a blood test to check her liver and kidneys were fine, and was on IV fluids throughout the operation and recovery. 

“I’m so pleased with how PJ’s surgery went and she has since made a great, swift recovery, and she will continue to be monitored in free consultations with me in the future.’’ 

PJ’s owner, Elaine said: “I was kept so well informed throughout PJ’s care and I’m so grateful to the vet and nurses who have cared for her so well. We’re not back to our full exercise routine yet, but we’re really looking forward to having lots of walks together again soon.’’ 

If you notice that your pet has developed a lump and are concerned, book a free consultation at your local Animal Trust surgery. Joining us is quick and easy using our online Registration Form.

Open Bank Holiday Monday!

Animal Trust surgeries are open as usual on Monday 19th September

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