Book an Appointment

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are launching some new services at Animal Trust that helps everyone practice social distancing but still allows us to be there for pets.

We are now offering a new vet video consultation service. This new service complements our other coronavirus measures.

Animal Trust, is open to everyone and registering with us is completely free of charge. We are assisting not only our own clients but those who normally use other surgeries in order to allow pets to access the care they need.

What are vet video consultations for?

Our vet video service is suitable for owners who have a pet that would benefit from a vets advice but is not an emergency that needs to be seen at the surgery immediately. Vets will be able to prescribe medication during the consultation which we can send out to you by post or can be collected from the surgery if urgent.

How do I book a vet video consultation?

Simply follow our book an appointment link and chose a date and time that is most suitable for you.

Below is a short video explaining how the system works.

What equipment will I need to have for a vet video consultation?

It’s really simple, you will need an internet connection and a camera. You can use your smartphone, desktop computer webcam, laptop or tablet (please note; Amazon Kindle is currently not supported). Our video platform is compatible with the following;


  • Chrome Version 80.0.3987.149 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Firefox Version 74.0 (64-bit)
  • Opera Version 65.0.3467.62


  • Chrome 80.0.3987.149 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Safari / Firefox

iOS 11 or greater (Compatible devices include; I-Phone/I-Pad)

  • Safari version 11 or above


  • Google Chrome for Android (latest release version)
  • Firefox for Android (latest release version) 

You will need to ensure that you have your sound turned on before you enter your consult. 

To join simply click the link in your booking confirmation email and this will direct you to a new window, This will then prompt you with two pop-ups, click yes to enable audio and yes to enable video. You will then be able to begin your consultation.

We recommend preparing for your consultation a few minutes before your confirmed time. This will allow you to ensure your camera and sound are fully enabled. More information on joining your consultation can be found here.

If there are any issues connecting to this please contact your local Animal Trust surgery. 

Will there be a cost for a vet video consultation?

There is a supplement of ÂŁ14.50 for a video consultation.

What if the vet decides my pet needs to come to the surgery?

If a vet decides that it is within the best interests of the animal for a physical examination to take place you will be given an emergency appointment at your local Animal Trust surgery that is open at that time.

What if my pet’s situation is really severe?

Video consults are not suitable for very ill animals. In this case, you should call the surgery and speak to our triage vets and nurses who will assist.

For help with understanding if you need to see an emergency vet, read our advice.

emergency vet treatment

Open Bank Holiday Monday!

Animal Trust surgeries are open as usual on Monday 19th September

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