Book an Appointment

We work hard to keep our prices affordable, and we don’t compromise our high-quality veterinary care in doing so. Take a look below at some of our offers.

Free Consultations For Everyone, Everytime

We offer free consultations to all pets during our normal working hours.

This is a permanent offer because we believe owners should be able to see a vet about their pet, when then they need to, without worrying about the high cost of consultation fees.

You can find out more about why vets shouldn’t charge for consultations here

Starter Pack for Puppies and Kittens


Our Starter Packs give your puppy or kitten the best start in life. Our pack will ensure that your pet is vaccinated against common and serious infectious diseases, protected against parasites and microchipped and registered with your details, in case they ever go missing.

Our Starter Pack includes all the following:

General health check

Course of two vaccination injections*

Flea and worming treatment


Vaccinations in dogs are for: Canine Distemper, Hepatitis A (formerly known as infectious hepatitis and epidemical virus), Parainfluenza, Parvovirus and Leptospirosis. And in cats the vaccinations are for: Feline Parainfluenze, Enteritis and FeLV (Feline Leukaemia Virus)

Protect Pack for Adult Dogs and Cats


Our Protect Pack is an easy money saving way to give your pet year round protection.

Annual booster vaccination

12 month protection with our recomended comprehensive parasite treatments

Information on Puppy and Kitten Vaccinations

Puppies and kittens are not born with immunity to disease. Drinking their mother’s milk (called colostrum) will provide them with some ‘passive immunity’ against common and serious infectious diseases, but this immunity quickly fades leaving them susceptible to disease.
Vaccinating your pet is the best way to protect them against these preventable diseases.

It is important that vaccinations are not given too early; if given while the pet still has some immunity from their mother’s milk then this will stop the vaccine from working.

Puppies are normally given two vaccination injections two weeks apart from 8 weeks of age.

Kittens are normally given two vaccination injections three weeks apart from 9 weeks of age.

It is important to ensure your pet stays away from public places and unvaccinated animals until one week after the second vaccination is given.

Open Bank Holiday Monday!

Animal Trust surgeries are open as usual on Monday 19th September

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