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Cats can become ill with respiratory infections known as feline upper respiratory disease, or ‘cat flu’. Cat flu is very infectious and spreads between cats quickly.

How do cats get cat flu?

Unvaccinated cats are at risk of catching cat flu. Cats are more likely to catch cat flu if their immune system is weak, stressed or has a poor diet. Young and older animals are also at a greater risk.

What are the symptoms of cat flu?

Get in touch with your vet immediately if you notice your cat is experiencing any of the following symptoms:

If you suspect your cat is suffering from cat flu, visit your local vet who will be able to administer some tests and provide a full diagnosis. This may involve taking a swab from your cat’s mouth or eyes to identify the cause.

Does my Cat need a vaccination?

How long does cat flu last?

There are many different types of ‘cat flu’. Cats can recover in days, to weeks, where as in other cases cats may experience signs for a very long time, which can be lifelong, particularly if not treated early on.

How do you help a cat with the flu?

In many cases, it is best to seek the help of a vet, however, you should visit your vet immediately if your cat is quiet, has reduced appetite, or is less active than normal.

To help your cat recover:

How can you prevent cat flu?

Keep your cat’s vaccinations up-to-date as this will help ensure they have the best chance of fighting off the virus. If your cat has already caught cat flu, unfortunately, a new course of preventative treatments won’t be effective.    

If you suspect your cat is unwell with a cold, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local Animal Trust clinic.

For more information on how to care for your cat if they develop cat flu, an expert member of Animal Trust team is more than happy to help

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