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Firework season is upon us and it can be a frightening time for pets. In 2018, a report published by the PDSA found that around 40% of cat and dog owners reported that their pet is afraid of fireworks. 

Sudden loud bangs and flashes which fireworks give off can cause anxiety in pets and therefore cause dogs and cats to feel stressed. If you have a pet that is already anxious and struggles with new situations, don’t hesitate to consult an animal behaviourist for advice and guidance. 

How to prepare your pet for bonfire night

To prepare your pet for bonfire night, it’s best to start in the months leading up to the night. There are many ways you can help them to feel calm when fireworks are going off: 

Signs your pet is scared of fireworks

Along with following the above steps to prepare your pet for fireworks night, be aware of the signs of stress in dogs and cats so you can adapt your environment and care for your pet on the night.

How to keep your pet calm during fireworks

When bonfire night arrives, it’s best to be as prepared as possible. Spend some time researching when local firework displays are taking place and chat with your neighbours to check if they will be holding their own so you know exactly what to expect. 


Once the fireworks have begun there are a range of things you can do to help keep your pet calm:

cat indoors
Animal Trust

If you are considering giving your pet calming medications, seek advice from a qualified animal behaviourist and/or your local Animal Trust vet.


At any time if you notice a stress signal in your pet, you notice that their fear of fireworks is getting worse, or they are showing signs of unusual behaviour; contact your local Animal Trust surgery for a consultation, free of charge.

For more information on how to care for your pets during fireworks, an expert member of the Animal Trust team is more than happy to help

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Animal Trust surgeries are open as usual on Monday 19th September

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