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Does my Dog and/or Cat need a Scale and Polish?

If your dog or cat has reddening to the edge of their gums or has any chalky material building up on their teeth, they’re likely to benefit from a descale and polish to help keep their gums in good health.

While you may be able to get an idea of your pet’s oral health by looking at their teeth yourself, checking a cat or dog’s mouth is not always easy which is why it is well worth getting the expert opinion of a vet or nurse. At Animal Trust there is no charge to, as all our consultations are free to every patient, no matter how many times you visit. Our vets and nurses will be very pleased to advise you on your pet’s oral health.

What is involved during a pet’s scale and polish procedure?

While a descale and polish is not painful, dogs and cats need to be still and relaxed. A descale and polish procedure is carried out under a general anaesthetic, which involves placing a tube into the dog or cat’s airway to help with their breathing and to prevent any debris from entering the lungs.

The first stage of a dog or cats descale and polish is to remove the plaque and tartar from the teeth using an ultrasonic descaling instrument and occasionally, specialist hand tools. Once the tartar has been removed from the dog or cat’s teeth, the surface is polished using a high-speed polishing tool. While polishing has some cosmetic benefits, most importantly it also smoothes away rough patches on the teeth which helps to prevent plaque from building up.

How long does a scale and polish take?

This will depend on the level of descaling that is required, but typically the procedure itself will take between 20 – 40 minutes. If the dog or cat needs to have any extractions naturally the procedure will take longer.

What does a scale and polish cost?

At Animal Trust, we charge a fixed price for pet’s scale and polish. If during that procedure we find that any extractions are also required, they’re included in the price so you don’t have to worry about receiving a bill for an unexpected cost.  

Our fixed price for a pet dental is £289, including the anaesthetic and if necessary, to provide pain relief medication to take home as part of your pet’s aftercare.


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Open Bank Holiday Monday!

Animal Trust surgeries are open as usual on Monday 19th September

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